Orchid FarmTech

How to Register Animal Sales on The FarmWizard App

How to Register Animal Sales on The FarmWizard App

Mark for Move

There is the ‘Mark for Move’ function which is a way of preselecting animals to a list, which you intend will leave the holding but, it’s not absolutely known. The ‘Mark for Move’ list, when you synchronise through to your Cloud account, can be converted into a herd register update, one off movement.

You can mark animals for move both on the main screen, or you can also do it on the weighing grid. On the right hand side there is a check box; Move.

Also when you look at an animal on its individual card, there is also a button to mark it for move. That’s the ‘Mark for Move’ preselection.

The Sales Screen.

In common with all the other data screens, you will see the option to start reading tags at the top. To start reading a batch of animals coming through, in the case of a sale you can record the sale date and any notes to accompany the sale. Next you can select ‘sold to’ which is populated with a ‘learning list’ working in exactly the same way as the Desktop Farm Wizard software, if you have a list that doesn’t have the name in it you are looking for, make sure you select ‘other enter value’, here you can type in the name of the holding that you are selling the animal to. Then select the reason for the sale, in this example we have selected lameness.

We are now set up to start scanning the animals tags, make sure the stick reader is switched on, press start reading tags, we get the message and we can proceed to scan the tag. Once complete, use the volume down control on the android device to end the scanning session. If you are happy with the details of the sale press OK, select cancel if you have errors but please remember to select ‘save sale’ button at the button.

OK – Confirms the sale has been recorded and when you view recorded events management you will see the sale for the animals. When you sync your android device with the cloud account the movement book will be updated and the animals sold will be removed from the visible list of animals on the holding.


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