Energy Savings Using ABB Inverters On Milking Systems
Occasionally we invite collaborators from within the livestock farming industry to share their knowledge with our readers. Below is an article by Sue Hobden, from Inverter Drive Systems sharing her knowledge Energy Savings using ABB Inverters on Milking systems:

These energy saving potentials are causing a lot of interest!
Did you know that Dairy farmers could save up to 60% of the energy consumed on milking parlours, just by installing inverters?
Inverters can be installed on any make of milking parlour, and by using vacuum transducers to signal to an ABB inverter when the air pressure changes through a number of valves, simulating that the cow had finished its milking, the inverter will then reduce the speed of the motor to maintain the correct air pressure. Whilst the milking parlour is in full use, e.g. 30 cows, then the motors will run at 80% speed. When the parlour is not being fully used, say 15 cows, then the motors will ramp down to approx. 50% of the speed, to maintain a stable vacuum within the system. The motor can then be run at full speed during the wash down process, if necessary.
By using inverters, farmers can save up to 60% on their energy costs. This can lead to a significant financial saving as some systems can work from 12 to 15 hours a day.
Although the inverter based pressure control is fully automatic, farmers can easily alter the pressure manually to maintain the health and comfort of individual cows.
Installations should cause little or no disruption to milking schedules, as the work can be completed between milking sessions.
Another benefit of fitting an inverter is that they will reduce the wear and tear on the motors and pumps, therefore increasing the durability and reducing maintenance costs.
To discuss this energy saving potential further you can contact Sue on 0115 944 1036 or email to arrange a no obligation, Energy Efficiency Motor Audit.
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